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My work examines perception of light, sound, and various time-based experiences as it travels through our everyday. Primarily focused on sound, I am interested in portraying these unseen wavelengths as video projections, installations, crocheted fishing line, works on paper, and so on. My latest video project Skins, featured in Southern Exposure’s annual juried exhibition, is about a red line, discovering the texture of sound as it traces over different kinds of vegetable peelings. After encountering a half-peeled yam, the footage proceeds backwards--inducing the feeling of “a harmonica played by a vacuum cleaner” (excerpt, Sheila Lam, Skins, 2013. 4:47) . The video is nearly silent, with only a light room tone track and full-black subtitle slides. Though absent in sound, the video’s visualization of sound is key to my project; and in the spirit of John Cage’s 4:33, my video is solely activated by the viewers, as they sit in a room enduring its aural silence. I am constantly creating new ways to balance silence and sound by bringing awareness to the blaring negative space. 







"Every something is an echo of nothing" -John Cage, Silence


"And in much of your talking, thinking is half murdered. For thought is a bird of space, that in a cage of words may indeed unfold its wings but cannot fly." -Khalil Gibran, The Prophet

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